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Thank you for visiting our website!

Let Us know If you are Seriously Interested in any of our Precious Babies by Submitting Application


If you have any questions Feel Free To Send an E-Mail

                                                      (At the bottom of the page)

Business hours

Mon - Fri: 7am -10pm

​​Saturday: 7am - 11pm

​Sunday: 8am - 10pm

Full Name:



City, State, & Zip code:

Phone Number (House & phone):

E-Mail Address:


How did you find RyeJo's Rattery?


Why do you want a pet rat?


what is your housing situation do you Rent, own, live with parents/family? if you rent or live with family I need permission from your landlord/guardian  stating that you are allowed to have pet rats


Are you adopting rats for yourself, as a family pet, or for someone else/as a present? If as a present/ family pet will it be for a child?


Does everyone agree with this adoption?


How many people live in your home, and what are their ages?


What pets/animals are in your home? (Species, breed, age, sex,If other rats are they altered? (If not it's okay)
Please note snake/reptile owners will not be denied.


Age and genders of current pet rats if applicable:


Do you have experience owning rats; if not what, if any, research have you done?


Have you bred rats in the past?

If yes, please explain more in depth


Do you plan on breeding your new Rattie in the future?


What kind of cage do you have, or are you planning on getting (Brand/Model)? please attach photo of cage if possible if you have one already:


Do you have a second cage if introduction does not go according to plans?


What kind of food are you planning on providing?


What kind of bedding are you planning on using?


What kind of toys, and enrichment are you planning on using?


How many hours a day can you send with your rats, on average?


If you have owned rats in the past, can you inform me about what happened to them?


Do you plan to quarantine your new rats? If so how long?


Do you have a current Vet? if no current vet, where do you plan on taking your rats if they become sick?


Do you understand all rats adopted from RyeJo's Rattery are for pet purposes only, unless otherwise discussed with the Breeder/Owners of RyeJo's Rattery? Do you agree to these conditions?


Would you prefer male or female rats? If so how come?


Do you have a specific color or pattern you are looking for?


Do you have any specific rat/rats in mind to adopt from RyeJo's Rattery?



Do you agree that if at any point you can’t care for the rat(s) you will contact me before re-homing them, or placing them into a rescue/shelter?



Do you agree to inform RyeJo's Rattery of all major health and temperament concerns and when your rat passes away? This will help us to track the health and temperament of our rats so we only produce healthy, well tempered rats.


Do you have any questions or concerns about owning a pet rat, or adopting a rat from RyeJo's Rattery?

By emailing this form to me, you acknowledge that I have the right to deny any person for adoption. 

Feel free to contact us with any questions or If you are interested in any available Ratties Please copy/paste the Application above and Fill it out:


E-Mail Adress

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